Mobile & web development
Showcase website
As opposed to the e-commerce website or merchant website, the name showcase website refers to an informative website whose purpose is to present a company and its services.
Specific development
Thanks to custom development, the website Business Info Shop benefits from a modernised web interface that can fully accommodate its specificities.
Mobile application
While the mobile application is software developed to adapt to different mobile devices and media, the web application is an application tool accessible via a web browser.
Adapted graphic design
Visual Identity
A term designating the set of graphic elements that are intended to identify an institution or company.
Websites, social networks, blogs, newsletters, mobile applications, e-mailing… many are the supports of digital communication.
Web design
L’art de concevoir des interfaces web intéressantes et puissantes telles que Pick A business . De nombreux détails peuvent être fournis.
Achieving your goals on the web
Making a place for yourself in the extremely competitive environment that is the web is far from being a piece of cake. In order to do so effectively, there are many fundamental points to which your attention must be focused:
Advertising campaign
Powerful lever that can be used to promote your brand, your products/services and above all to reach a large qualified target.
Marketing content
Provide Internet users with concrete answers to their problems through relevant and value-added content.
Community management
The art of promoting your brand, products and services through social networks and above all to animate a community of users.
The content is the King!
Être un leader dans son domaine passe inexorablement par la création de contenus qualitatifs. Une rédaction optimisée et maîtrisée, comme celle du site Créer Entreprendre , permet une optimisation du référencement SEO, renforce l’image de marque et la e-réputation.
We produce useful content to develop your audience.
SEO is essential!
Seizing the opportunities offered by the web is not just about having a high-performance website. Making a place for yourself among the leaders of the web systematically requires the implementation of a high-performance SEO strategy. Referencing, whether paid (SEA) or natural (SEO), is a powerful lever on which you can rely to optimize your website for search engines and position yourself on certain keywords.
SEO, in particular, is the cream of the crop in an SEO strategy because it is the only technique that can establish the referencing and reputation of web pages over the long term.
Website audit: Where is your website?
Designing, creating and referencing a website is one thing. Evaluating its quality and performance is another. Thus, when you have a web platform, whatever
its nature, the audit of a website is a must that should not be neglected. Auditing your website means allowing yourself to identify its performance, but also to
highlight the main problems that prevent it from generating leads and complying with the requirements of Internet users.
Printing & branding
The definition of brand identity is one of the essentials that a company must think about before deciding to launch. It is a step in which you define the DNA of the structure and how you want consumers to perceive it. In a nutshell, branding is the art of positioning a brand, product or service in the minds of consumers. In other words, it is the art of creating the first impression that consumers will have of the company.